Struggling with the New

The great Hebrew writer had much to say about Jesus. It seems clear, even from a cursory reading of the book that the author was convinced of the truth that no one is more superior than our Savior. But it seems rather interesting to me that the author would make each of his arguments in favor of Christ based squarely upon those who lived under the old law. Many suggest that the audience to whom Hebrews was addressed were Christians that formerly were practicing Jews. This would seem appropriate given the vast amount of discussion dedicated to showing how Jesus is superior to the Levitical priesthood, Levitical sacrifices, and the Mosaic covenant.
I suppose one might conclude that at least some of the recipients of the book of Hebrews may have been struggling with the transition from the old to the new. But the author leaves no room for questions regarding which covenant is superior.
Have you ever struggled with transitioning from something old to something new? My son, Kade, has a new (to him) Taylormade driver. He and I both love playing golf. Kade’s new driver is a little bit larger and just a bit longer. He has been
struggling somewhat with this new club. He’s just not used to it yet. But with every opportunity he has to practice, he gets better. I’m confident that before long, he will be knocking the ball out there farther than ever. He just needs to get used to it.
I wonder if the same is true for us when it comes to following the will of God. Like the recipients of Hebrews, we tend to struggling with the new life to which God calls us. But thanks be to him that we are not left to our own strength. God gives us his strength to live the new life to which he’s called us.