Keith Harris
Expecting the Impossible
John Quincy Adams held more important offices than anyone else in the history of the United States. He served with distinction as...
Keith Harris
Loving God
This week in June, 26 years ago, I was at the Crowley’s Ridge Youth Camp, where for the past three years I was known as “Sledge.” This...
Keith Harris
Overcoming the Sin of Racism
The word “racist” certainly carries with it a negative connotation. Hatred and intolerance from one race toward another is not anything...
Keith Harris
Like a Child
Every morning for the past four years, I have led chapel at Central Arkansas Christian Elementary. The order of chapel is usually the...
Keith Harris
Christian ≠ Political Activism
Is it our goal to cause the world to act like Christians? Sadly, too many Christians, and even churches are placing a high emphasis on...
Keith Harris
Why Me?
It was a usual day in many respects. His hired-hands were out performing their regular tasks, and his children had gathered for a...
Keith Harris
Waiting for the Storms
I was speeding, driving about as fast as my dad’s Ford Aerostar minivan would go – about 64 mph. The cloud had moved across the horizon,...