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From Bondage to Freedom

Keith Harris

The year was 1776. Those that had made their way to the new world in search of a new life had made their declaration of independence from the British Empire. It was a new day with so many new possibilities. Freedom for all was declared. No longer would there be oppression or mandates regarding what was said to be the right of every human...the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

As our nation pauses to celebrate the 240th anniversary of its day of independence, how can we not reflect on the great freedom that has been granted to us by the one true and living God? I am reminded of the Israelites who for so long had suffered under the bondage of the Egyptians. God brought about their deliverance in an extraordinary way. Through the words of Moses and the plagues that debilitated the nation of Egypt, God brought freedom to his people. The Bible says, “the people of Israel groaned because of their slavery and cried out for help. Their cry for rescue from slavery came up to God. And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob” (Exodus 2:23-24). God heard their cry and responded, bringing about their release from bondage and setting forth a new day in the lives of his people.

Many times we feel the oppression and strain of bondage. We walk down our own path only to realize the futility of our own way. We discover that what at first looked like freedom is only bondage in disguise. But thanks be to God who has heard our cry. He has provided ultimate freedom for us through the gracious gift of his one and only Son. Jesus Christ is our only path to true freedom. May we trust in him and take hold of our new day!


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