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Serving Together

Keith Harris

There are numerous occasions in which we have opportunities to serve. Some of those include moments where we are out, see someone in need, and individually seek to meet that need. For most, the service we provide to others goes unnoticed by the larger body of believers. And so it should. Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount that “when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing…” (Matthew 6:3). So, most will heed the teaching of Christ and refrain from sharing all the service they are providing to others. There is certainly a reward that comes from those moments of individual service. It is difficult to walk away from helping others and not feel a sense of renewed energy and enthusiasm. That’s simply the reality. Serving others is both a blessing to those served and those who serve.

Perhaps one of the greatest blessings of being a part of the family of God is the opportunities that we have to serve together. When we join together with our brothers and sisters in service, whether it be in our communities or even around our own congregational campuses, there is great blessing that results. We experience growth relationally. We get to know each other better. We are able to encourage one another. We laugh together. We feel a sense of pride as we accomplish a task together. It bolsters our faith as we serve together. We are able to witness the servant heart of our brothers and sisters. And because of this, our spirit is renewed. Our love for the church is renewed. Our desire to serve more is kindled. There is something special about serving together (Hebrews 10:24)!


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