COVID-19 Blues
This has certainly been an interesting year. No doubt 2020 will live in infamy. With all our social distancing and sheltering in place, it is easy to depressed, discouraged and disheartened. Let's face's easy to get the blues. I think if I sit very still and be very quiet, I can hear Mickey Jones singing "save me from those COVID-19 blues". Someone once suggested ten steps for getting rid of the blues. The first is "Go out and do something for someone else." The next nine are, "Repeat the first step." Service to others is the call of Christianity. The great example is the Son of God himself.
John 13 reveals the last supper that Jesus shared with his disciples prior to his crucifixion. It was during this gathering that Jesus took a towel and basin of water, kneeling before each of his disciples. In the form of a servant, Jesus washed each disciples' feet, setting an example for them (and us) to follow. This meal they were sharing was one of great importance. The Passover commemorated annually the salvation God provided to the Israelites who had the sacrificial blood on the doorway of their abodes. That night in Exodus 12, the LORD passed over their homes, sparing the life of the firstborn of the Israelites. In John 13, Jesus understood what would soon take place. The One through whom all things were created, the Lord of heaven and earth, would soon take his place as the sacrificial Lamb of this Passover.
It is within this context that we Jesus setting this great example of service to others for his disciples and us. "I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you" (John 13:15). Service to others is the call of Christianity. Jesus knelt down at the feet of his followers and stretched out his hands for the sake of all humanity. The giving of self is the hallmark of Jesus. We need to remember the blues result from a mind consumed with itself. This stands in direct opposition to what Jesus did and taught. And while we may love listening to blues and jazz music, we are called to a life focused on serving others rather than self.
Albert Pines said, "What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal." When you are feeling depressed, discouraged and disheartened, go out and do something for someone else. Then repeat that nine more times.