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Is It Worth It?

Keith Harris

On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland, igniting the second global conflict of the 20th century. It was six years and one day later, on September 2, 1945, that the Japanese delegation formally signed the instrument of surrender on board the USS Missouri, marking the official end of World War II. It is estimated that WWII claimed the lives of 60-80 million people. Certainly, many in our country had felt the pain of war throughout the previous years. Heavy burdens, trials, toils and tears were part of everyday life for many during this time. Perhaps the pain and uncertainty they experienced came to be considered the new normal.

That same year, 1945, there was a new hymn written that was titled, “Heaven Will Surely Be Worth It All”. The words were written by W. Oliver Cooper. The melody was arranged by Minzo C. Jones. Those that are younger may not recognize this song. While this song is still sung from time to time today, it used to be sung more often. I suppose geography may play a part in how recognizable this song is, considering some hymns are sung more frequently in various locales. At any rate, I grew up singing this song. I can remember sitting beside my grandma and hearing her sing this song with her country twang soprano voice. Sitting beside her, listening to her heart as it rang out through her words, I could tell she believed what she sang.

"Often I'm hindered on my way; Burdened so heavy I almost fall;

Then I hear Jesus sweetly say, 'Heaven will surely be worth it all.'"

"Many the trials, toils and tears, Many a heartache may here appall;

But the dear Lord so truly says: 'Heaven will surely be worth it all.'"

"Toiling and pain I will endure, Till I shall hear the death angel call;

Jesus has promised and I'm sure 'Heaven will surely be worth it all'"

"Heaven will surely be worth it all. Worth all the sorrows that here befall; After this life with all its strife; Heaven will surely be worth it all."

As was the case during the in the early 1940’s, many today are gripped by the uncertainty of what tomorrow may hold. Between the pandemic and civil unrest that is rampant in our country, many are wrestling with a level of anxiety that is crippling. How truly sad this is. What can we do to combat the emotional and mental fatigue that anxiety brings? There are three things we can keep in mind as we face each day:

Remember that God knows how you feel.

Remember that God loves you beyond measure.

Remember that God is in control.

Because of God’s love and the redemptive work of Christ, we have an eternal home, a house not made with hands. While we may experience challenges, hardships and suffering in this life, God has something waiting for us that far outweighs what we go through here. "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us" (Romans 8:18). "For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison…" (2 Corinthians 4:17). God has something far greater waiting for us. Though we know this life is hard sometimes, we can trust in God's faithfulness. My prayer is that we will always remember, Heaven will surely be worth it all!


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