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Authority & Power

Keith Harris

Authority and power are desired by many, but few have the ability to handle them correctly. Jesus possessed them both to the full, and yet He demonstrated through His life what submission and respect are all about. Many today want to claim authority and power over their own lives. Many today want to be a Christian, but they want to dictate the terms of the agreement. In 1 Corinthians 3:11, the apostle Paul wrote concerning the standard or foundation God laid, “For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” Jesus is the foundation, the standard. Again, Paul wrote, “But God’s firm foundation stands, bearing this seal: ‘The Lord knows those who are his,’ and, ‘Let everyone who names the name of the Lord depart from iniquity’” (2 Timothy 2:19). So we understand there is a standard to which God calls us - His standard.

Jesus possessed all authority and all power. He is the head of all rule and authority. His authority and power span far beyond our comprehension. The question is: Are we submitting to His authority and respecting His infinite power?

There are many aspects of following Jesus that are worth considering. Much could be written - indeed much has been written - about what following Him entails. Simply put, being a follower of Jesus involves believing like Him, serving like Him, and suffering like Him. Following Jesus includes striving to imitate His submission and respect of God the Father.

This thought begs the question, “Why should we submit to His authority?” First, we ought to submit to His authority in order to follow His example of submission and respect. Second, we ought to submit to His authority in order to remind ourselves it’s not about us. Third, we ought to submit to His authority in order to allow others to see His glory. Let’s commit ourselves again to the authority and power of Christ. Ask yourself today, “Is Christ the solid rock upon which I stand?”



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