Is It All About Me?

Pride can be so alluring. It's easy and comfortable. Pride evokes selfishness and selfish ambition. Pride tells us to put ourselves first and put others down, leading us to jealousy and bitterness. However, the comfort and enticing nature of pride isn’t lasting. The truth about pride: It ultimately brings chaos and destruction.
As Christians, we are called to a life of humility. Humility is one the most important attributes in the life of a Christ follower. So much hinges on humility. It is a prerequisite for us to love and obey the way God desires us to. We are called to follow the humble example of our Savior. It's a beautiful calling of love, obedience, grace and humility. So, what can we do to avoid pridefulness?
Practice Active Listening
Pride often makes us want to talk more than we listen. Make a habit of genuinely listening to others without interrupting or thinking about how you’ll respond. Ask questions and show curiosity about their thoughts and experiences.
Admit When You’re Wrong
It’s tough, but acknowledging mistakes and apologizing when necessary helps weaken pride. Instead of defending yourself at all costs, focus on learning and improving.
Seek Constructive Criticism
Ask trusted friends, mentors, or colleagues for feedback on areas where you can improve. Be open to their advice without getting defensive. This helps build self-awareness and keeps pride in check.
Serve Others Regularly
Pride can make us self-centered, so volunteering or helping others without expecting anything in return is a great way to shift focus outward. Acts of service remind us that everyone has value and needs support at times.
Reflect on Your Strengths and Weaknesses
Keep a balanced view of yourself. Acknowledge your talents, but also recognize that you’re not perfect and always have room to grow. Journaling or meditating on areas for improvement can be helpful.
Follow the Example of Jesus
Jesus left the us a great example––the perfect example. He did not consider being equal with God something to hang on to or grasp. But he emptied himself. He took on human form, coming to this earth as a servant of all. His fully surrendered life to the will of God serves as the great standard for us to follow.
Pride is easy. Humility takes effort. As Christians, we must continually reflect on ways pride may be creeping into our hearts and minds and make every effort to remove it. Spending more time focusing on and serving those around us will cultivate a humble heart. Let’s make every effort to grow in humility, being rooted in God’s Word, understanding the example of our Savior.