- Keith Harris
When Fear & Loneliness Set In
When times of loneliness and discouragement come, we can find encouragement in the Word of God. It can be quite comforting to see that even the incredibly faithful individuals we read about in Scripture struggled in times of weakness.
Elijah was a faithful and dedicated prophet whom God used to perform many miracles. He was also tasked with delivering some very unpopular messages to the wicked King Ahab. Elijah boldly stood before Ahab and soon after challenged 450 prophets of Baal, defeating them in a miraculous fashion. The victory was followed by miraculous rain and an incredible 17-mile run in which Elijah outran Ahab’s chariot. Feelings of victory quickly turned into feelings of defeat when angry Jezebel threatened to kill Elijah. Fearing for his life, Elijah fled.
Brave and faithful Elijah suddenly feels lonely in his ministry and very afraid. He is ready to die, but God sends an angel not to rebuke but to provide for Elijah and direct him to Mount Horeb. Many days pass and then God speaks to Elijah. God asks why he is hiding. Still depressed, Elijah explains his seemingly hopeless reality (2 Kings 9:9-11). Then God sends wind, an earthquake, and fire and asks Elijah the same question. Despite the amazing power of God he had just witnessed, Elijah had the same reply. But this time, God tells Elijah to get up! Elijah needed to go anoint kings. God had work for him to do along with Elisha.
How often are we like Elijah? We are faithful and see God working all around us, but challenges come and fear sets in. It causes us to see everything through a different lens! But thankfully, we serve a God that provides in good times and in difficult, lonely times. When you face trials and find yourself feeling lonely and defeated, lean on God, seek wise counsel, and spend time in prayer. But remember, God is calling you to get back up, just as He did Elijah. He can and will use you to do great things!